
Television Satelllite Channels

Sky UK - Channel and frequency list

Sky UK   


Astra 28.2º East
Astra 2E : UK Spotbeam and Europe Beam
Astra 2F : UK Spotbeam and Europe Beam
Astra 2G : UK Spotbeam and Europe Beam
Europe beam transponders can be received in the UK and in Europe
UK Spotbeam transponders can be received in the UK and outside of the UK, but not in all Europe

Channel and frequency list

and Beam
Channels on transponder
• FTA channels are in green ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold
• Encrypted channels are in black ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold
TP Parameters
SR (kS/s)
and FEC
IF Band
Universal LNB
Low 9.75 GHz
High 10.6 GHz
Wide Band
Local Osc.
 10.41 GHz 
Astra 2E UK10714 Hc4 l, Channel 4, Channel 4, Channel 4, Channel 4, Channel 4, Channel 4+1, E4, E4+1, Film4, More4, More4+1DVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
964 MHz L304 MHz
Astra 2E UK10773 HBBC Four, BBC Four, BBC One CI, BBC One East W, BBC One Lon, BBC One Lon, BBC One West, BBC RB 1, BBC Two, BBC Two, CBeebies, CBeebiesDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1023 MHz L363 MHz
Astra 2E UK10788 VBBC One E Mid, BBC One East E, BBC One W Mid, BBC One Wales, BBC One Yk&Li, BBC Parliament, BBC Two Wales, ETV5DVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1038 MHz L378 MHz
Astra 2E UK10803 HBBC ALBA, BBC ALBA, BBC One N West, BBC One NE&C, BBC One S East, BBC One Scot, BBC One Yorks, BBC ScotlandDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1053 MHz L393 MHz
Astra 2E UK10818 VBBC NEWS, BBC One NI, BBC One NI, BBC One Oxford, BBC One S West, BBC One South, BBC Two NI, BBC Two NI, CBBC, CBBC, ETV6DVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1068 MHz L408 MHz
Astra 2E UK10847 V6945, BBC One HD, BBC One HD, BBC One NI HD, BBC One NI HD, BBC Two HD, BBC Two HD, BBC Two Wal HD, CBBC HD, CBBC HDDVB-S2 8PSK
23000 3/4
1097 MHz L437 MHz
Astra 2E UK10891 HCITV, ITV, ITV, ITV, ITV, ITV Wales, ITV+1, ITV+1, ITV2+1, ITV3, ITV4, UTVDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1141 MHz L481 MHz
Astra 2E UK10906 VITV, ITV , ITV+1 , ITV+1, ITV2 , ITV3+1, ITV4+1, ITVBe , stv, STV, stv, STVDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1156 MHz L496 MHz
Astra 2E UK10936 VChannel 4, Channel 4, Channel 4+1, Channel 4+1, Channel 4+1, Channel 4+1, E4, E4+1, Film4, Film4+1, More4DVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1186 MHz L526 MHz
Astra 2G UK10964 H5 USA, 5SELECT, 5STAR, 5STAR+1, 5USA+1, Channel 5, Channel 5 HD, Channel 5+1, Nick Jr.Paw Patrol, ParamountDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1214 MHz L554 MHz
Astra 2G UK11023 HBBC Four HD, BBC Four HD, BBC NEWS HD, BBC One ScotHD, BBC One Wal HD, BBCScotlandHD, CBeebies HD, CBeebies HDDVB-S2 8PSK
23000 3/4
1273 MHz L613 MHz
Astra 2G EU11038 VAnimal Plnt+1, Disc.History+1, Disc.Sci+1, Disc.Turbo+1, Discovery, Discovery+1, DMAX, HGTV, ID, ID, ID+1, Quest Red, TLC, TLC+1DVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1288 MHz L628 MHz
23000 3/4
1303 MHz L643 MHz
23000 3/4
1318 MHz L658 MHz
Astra 2G EU11082 HAhlulbayt TV, alibi, BLAZE, BoxNation, CNN, GOLD, Hillsong, Inspiration TV, JewelleryMaker, NOW 80s, Sikh Channel, SkySp Racing, Spotlight TV, WDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1332 MHz L672 MHz
23000 3/4
1347 MHz L687 MHz
Astra 2G EU11112 HArise News, ARY Digital, Brit Asia TV, Channel 7, Dunya News, Faith UK, Gems TV, GEO News, High Street TV 3, IQRA BANGLA, IQRA TV, Islam Channel, Islam TV, MATV National, New Vision TV, Sanskar, Studio 66 3, ThaneDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1362 MHz L702 MHz
Astra 2G UK11127 V4seven, Channel 4 HDDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1377 MHz L717 MHz
Astra 2G EU11141 HComedyCent+1, ComedyCentral, ComedyCentral, ComedyXtra, MTV HITS, MTV MUSIC, Nick Jr+1, Nick Jr., Nick Jr.Paw Patrol, Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon+1, NicktoonsDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1391 MHz L731 MHz
Astra 2G EU11171 HAkaal Channel, Boomerang, Boomerang+1, Cartoon Netwrk, Cartoonito, CN+1, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Racing TV, TCM Movies, TCM Movies+1DVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1421 MHz L761 MHz
Astra 2G EU11225 VArirang TV HD, NHK World HD, RT HDDVB-S2 8PSK
23000 2/3
1475 MHz L815 MHz
Astra 2G EU11265 H4Music, Box Hits, Kerrang!, KISS, Magic, The BoxDVB-S QPSK
27500 2/3
1515 MHz L855 MHz
Astra 2G EU11265 VDunamis TV, EWTN Catholic, mta-muslim tv, PCNE Chinese, revelation, TBN UK, WION HD, Zee TVDVB-S QPSK
27500 2/3
1515 MHz L855 MHz
Astra 2F UK11307 VGB News HD, GREAT! action, GREAT! class+1, GREAT! classic, GREAT! movies, GREAT! movies+1, GREAT! tv, GREAT! tv+1, GREAT!action+1, POP, POP Max, POP Max+1, POP+1, Tiny Pop, Tiny Pop+1DVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1557 MHz L897 MHz
Astra 2F UK11344 HBT Sport 2, BT Sport//ESPN, BT Sport//ESPN, HGTV, HGTV+1, Really, ReallyDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1594 MHz L934 MHz
Astra 2F UK11344 VBT Sport 1, BT Sport 1, BT Sport 3, BT Sport 3, CBS Drama, CBS Drama, CBS Justice, CBS Justice, CBS Reality, CBS Reality, CBS Reality+1, horror ch+1, horror channel, PBS America, S4C, Trace Hits, Trace VaultDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1594 MHz L934 MHz
Astra 2E UK11386 HBT Sport 2 HD, BTSpt//ESPNHD, BTSpt//ESPNHD, BTSptBoxOffHDDVB-S2 QPSK
29500 8/9
1636 MHz L976 MHz
Astra 2E UK11386 VBT Sport 1 HD, BT Sport 3 HD, BTSBoxOff2HDDVB-S2 QPSK
29500 8/9
1636 MHz L976 MHz
Astra 2E UK11426 VFreeSports HD, QUEST HD, S4C HD, TLC HDDVB-S2 QPSK
29500 8/9
1676 MHz L1016 MHz
Astra 2G EU11464 HAastha, Adult Channel, British Muslim, ColorsCineplex, ColorsRishtey, Cruise1st.tv, Euronews, Gemporia Craft, Islam Ch Urdu, NEO News, NTV, PTC PUNJABI, Smithsonian, TV One, XXX College, XXX Girl Girl, XXXpublicpikupsDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1714 MHz L1054 MHz
Astra 2G EU11479 VA1TV, B4U Movies, B4U Music, babes&brazzers, CNBC, COLORS, Hidayat TV, KTV, London Live, Madani Chnl, Sangat, Television X, TRT World, TVC News, Venus TV, Vox Africa, XXX MumsDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1729 MHz L1069 MHz
Astra 2G EU11493 HQVC, QVC Beauty, QVC Extra, QVC StyleDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1743 MHz L1083 MHz
Astra 2G EU11509 VCOLORS HD, Racing TV HD, Smithsonian HD, TRT World HDDVB-S2 8PSK
23000 2/3
1759 MHz L1099 MHz
Astra 2G EU11538 V92 News, Ahlebait TV, ATN, Birmingham TV, Bristol TV, Cardiff TV, Channel 44, Hi-Impact TV, iON TV, KICC TV, Leeds TV, Liverpool TV, POLITICSPUNJAB, Showcase, SportyStuff HD, Tyne & Wear TV, Word Network, Xpanded TVDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1788 MHz L1128 MHz
Astra 2G EU11553 HCelebration TV, Channels 24, Clubland TV, Deen TV, Good News TV, High Street TV 2, High Street TV 4, Live 360, NDTV 24x7, Noor TV, NOW 90s, NTD, PTV Global, The Craft Store, TJCDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1803 MHz L1143 MHz
Astra 2G EU11568 VAAJ TAK, Best Direct, Court TV, Faith World TV, GEO TV, GOD Channel, High Street TV 1, High Street TV 5, JML Direct, ROK, RT, SONY MAX 2, SONY SAB, SONY TV, Takbeer TV, Travelxp, TV WarehouseDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1818 MHz L1158 MHz
Astra 2G EU11582 HAl Jazeera HD, Babenation, CHSTV, Craft Extra, Eman Channel, Foodxp, Ideal Extra, Kanshi TV, NOW 70s, Pitaara, SONY MAX, TalkingPictures, That's TV GoldDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1832 MHz L1172 MHz
Astra 2G EU11596 Veir Sport 1 HD, eir Sport 1 HD, HUM EUROPE, HUM Masala, Psychic Today, SonLifeDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1846 MHz L1186 MHz
Astra 2G EU11626 VComedyCentHD, ComedyXtra, MTV, MTV, MTV BASE, MTV Classic, MTV HD, Nick Jr. HDDVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1876 MHz L
1026 MHz H
1216 MHz
Astra 2G EU11641 H7100DVB-S2 8PSK
23000 2/3
1891 MHz L
1041 MHz H
1231 MHz
Astra 2G EU11655 VUtsav Bharat , Utsav GOLD , Utsav Plus DVB-S QPSK
22000 5/6
1905 MHz L
1055 MHz H
1245 MHz
Astra 2G EU11671 HCNN HD, Create&CraftHD, Ideal World HD, Iran Int'l HD, LoveWorld HDDVB-S2 8PSK
23000 2/3
1921 MHz L
1071 MHz H
1261 MHz
Astra 2G EU11686 VBloomberg HD, DAYSTAR HD, FRANCE 24 HD, LaLigaTV HD, TJC HDDVB-S2 8PSK
23000 2/3
1936 MHz L
1086 MHz H
1276 MHz
Astra 2E EU11758 HSkyDocmntrsHD, Utsav Gold HD DVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
2008 MHz L
1158 MHz H
1348 MHz
Astra 2E EU11836 HChallenge, Crime+Inv, Crime+Inv+1, E!, Forces TV, Nat Geo, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo+1, Sky Crime+1, Sky History, Sky History+1, Sky History2, Sky Replay, Sky Witness, SYFY, SYFY+1, Together, Zee CinemaDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
2086 MHz L
1236 MHz H
1426 MHz
Astra 2E EU11856 VE4 HD, Eurosport 1 HD, Eurosport 2 HD, SkySp ArenaHD, SkySpMainEvHD, Virgin One HD, Virgin Two HDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
2106 MHz L
1256 MHz H
1446 MHz
Astra 2E EU11914 HBabyTV, ColorsGujarati , MUTV, Oireachtas TV, RTÉ News Now, RTÉ One, RTÉ One+1, RTÉ2, RTÉ2+1, RTÉjr, Sky Arts, Sky Nature, Sky Replay, Sky Showcase, SkyDocumntrs, SkyShowcase+1, TG4DVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1314 MHz H1504 MHz
Astra 2E EU11934 VChallenge, GINXeSportsTV, Sky, Sky Action, Sky Batman, Sky Comedy Cinema, Sky Crime, Sky Drama, Sky Family, Sky Max, Sky Premiere, Sky Showcase, Sky Thriller, SkyPremiere+1, SkySp PL, SkySp PLDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1334 MHz H1524 MHz
Astra 2E EU12012 VH1Test, Sky Nature HD, Sky News HD, SkyShowcaseHD, SkySp F'ball HD, SkySp F'ball HD, SkySp Golf HD, SkySp Golf HD, SkySp News HD, SkySp News HD, SkySp PL HD, SkySp PL HD, SkySpMainEvHD, SkySpMainEvHDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1412 MHz H1602 MHz
Astra 2E EU12070 HMovies24, Movies24+, Pick, Pick+1, Sky Arts, Sky News, Virgin One+1, Virgin TwoDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1470 MHz H1660 MHz
Astra 2E EU12090 VSky Comedy HD, Sky Crime HD, Sky News HD, SkySp F1 HD, SkySp Mix HD, SkySp News HD, SkySp NFL HD, SkySpCricket HDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1490 MHz H1680 MHz
Astra 2F EU12110 HDave HD, E! HD, Nat Geo HD, SkyHistory2HD, SkyShowcaseHD, SONY MAX HD, SYFY HD, TG4 HD, W HDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1510 MHz H1700 MHz
Astra 2E UK12129 Valibi, alibi+1, Dave, Dave, Dave ja vu, Drama, Drama, Drama+1, Eden, Eden+1, GOLD, GOLD+1, W, W+1, YESTERDAY, YESTERDAY+1DVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1529 MHz H1719 MHz
Astra 2F EU12148 HEurosport 1, Eurosport 2, Pick, Sky Atlantic, Sky Atlantic, Sky Atlantic+1, Sky Comedy, Sky Witness+1, SkyNewsArabia, SkySp Cricket, SkySp F'ball, SkySp Golf, SkySp Golf, SkySp News, SkySp News, SkySp News, SkySpBoxOff, SkySpMainEv, SkySpMainEvDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1548 MHz H1738 MHz
Astra 2F UK12168 VBoomerang HD, Cartoon Net HD, CNBC HD, ITV HD, RTÉ One HD, STV HDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1568 MHz H1758 MHz
Astra 2F EU12188 HLFCTV HD, Premier 1 HD, Premier 1 HD, Premier 2 HD, Premier 2 HD, Sky Arts HD, Sky Atlantic HD, Sky Max HD, Sky Witness HD, SkySp Racing HD, SkySp Racing HDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1588 MHz H1778 MHz
Astra 2F EU12207 VE!, Sky Comedy, Sky Max, Sky Nature, Sky News, Sky Witness, SkyDocumntrs, SkySp Arena, SkySp Arena, SkySp F'ball, SkySp F1, SkySp Mix, SkySp Mix, SkySp NFL, SkySp NFL, SkySp PL, SkySpMainEv, SkySpMainEv, Virgin One, Virgin ThreeDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1607 MHz H1797 MHz
Astra 2F UK12227 HCrime+Inv HD, ITV HD, NatGeoWild HD, Sky HistoryHD, SONY TV HD, STV HD, Utsav Plus HD DVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1627 MHz H1817 MHz
Astra 2F EU12246 V1224, RBDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1646 MHz H1836 MHz
Astra 2E EU12266 HDiscovery HD, Film4 HD, More4 HD, MUTV HD, Sky Hits HD, SkySp News HD, SkySp PL HD, SkySpMainEvHDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1666 MHz H1856 MHz
Astra 2F EU12285 VSky Action HD, Sky AssassinsHD, Sky Batman HD, Sky Comedy HD, Sky Drama HD, Sky Family HD, Sky ScFi/HorHD, Sky Thriller HD, SkyAnimationHD, SkyPremiereHDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1685 MHz H1875 MHz
Astra 2F EU12324 VSky IntroDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1724 MHz H1914 MHz
Astra 2E UK12363 Valibi HD, GOLD HD, ITV HD, NickelodeonHD, RTÉ2 HD, STV HDDVB-S2 8PSK
27500 2/3
1763 MHz H1953 MHz
Astra 2E UK12382 HAnimal Planet, Disc.History, Disc.Science, Disc.Turbo, Discovery, DMAX, DMAX+1, Food Network, Food Network, Food Netwrk+1, QUEST, Quest Red, Quest Red+1, QUEST+1, TLCDVB-S QPSK
27500 5/6
1782 MHz H1972 MHz
and Beam
Channels on transponder
• FTA channels are in green ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold
• Encrypted channels are in black ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold
TP Parameters
SR (kS/s)
and FEC
IF Band
Universal LNB
Low 9.75 GHz
High 10.6 GHz
Wide Band
Local Osc.
 10.41 GHz 



9 years ago
pedro silva
hallo, can i get this Satellite in portugal with any decoder and are these channel all free thanks
8 years ago
• FTA channels are in green. ··· SD in normal letters. Example: Film4. ··· HD in bold. BBC Four HD. • Encrypted channels are in black, subscription needed. ··· SD in normal letters. 4Music ··· HD in bold. Film4 HD • In Nothern Portugal you can receive all frequencies listed above, UK and EU beams. • In Southern Portugal you can receive only EU beam, not UK beam.
8 years ago
Discovery UK
Calling All Sky and Now TV Viewers: You May Lose Your Favourite Discovery Programmes and Channels. From 1st February 2017, 13 channels of our channels may disappear from Sky and NOW TV. Discovery Channel, TLC, Eurosport 1, Eurosport 2, Animal Planet, Investigation Discovery, Quest, DMAX, Discovery Turbo, Discovery Shed, Discovery Science, Discovery History and Home & Health. Sky and NOW TV subscribers in the UK and Ireland could soon lose all of Discovery’s channels and programmes. Every week, more than five and a half million people watch one of our shows on Sky. Our fans are amongst the most loyal in TV and we have invested significantly to bring world class channels and high quality programmes to the UK for nearly 30 years. We are committed to finding a solution with Sky in order to keep bringing you the channels you love.
8 years ago
Really sorry to read about problems with Sky,I'm a Quest watcher in the main but I like all your material.Good luck for the future and please don't go.....
8 years ago
Has frequency 12148 H on astra 28.2E 2e 2f 2g stopped transmitting I can not get any of the programs on this frequency
7 years ago
hi , my dads sky box broke last night , it was a sky freeview or freesat version , im not sure , he's thinking of getting a new one asap , my question is this , can he buy any box or does it have to be sky to get all the free channels he used to get before . thanks in advance .
7 years ago
btw we live in Italy
7 years ago
how come we in europe arent able to get ARY Family?? which air on channel no 863 :-( I so want to watch it..
7 years ago
UK Spotbeam vs Europe beam ARY Family broadcasting transponder 11426 V is a UK Spotbeam transponder, as indicated on the above list, in Satellite and Beam column: Astra 2x UK, not Astra 2x EU. • Urdu-language free-to-air satellite television channels In the UK you receive a strong signal from both, UK Spotbeam and Europe Beam. In Europe it depends on where you are : ··· both strong enough for your current satellite dish ··· bigger dish required to receive UK Spotbeam ··· you can't receive UK Spotbeam
7 years ago
we have a 50cm dish. we are not allowed to have a dish bigger than 50cm.. i guess if i had a dish around 60cm it would not give me problem .. i so hope it tranfers to Astra EU soon
7 years ago
>> this might be a stupid question.. << will it work with a 50cm dish if i use "Satellite Amplifier"
7 years ago
An amplifier boosts the signal strength. If you don't have enough quality of a signal from the dish, the amplifier will not create it from nothing. The minimum diameter required depends greatly on your geographic location in Europe.
7 years ago
thnk you for answering. actually there is no sin of UK beam in the city or nearby where i live.. just a little signale in copenhagen.. which is almost as good as nothing.. i will cross fingers that ARY Family moves to Europe beam
7 years ago
where can me complain to get ary family to european satellite
7 years ago
Hello webmaster. Is it mandatory to use sky box only to view sky channels or any box configured with the frequency can receive signals in places like Africa. Thanks. Am kindly waiting for you honourable response.
7 years ago
Basically • To watch encrypted channels (in black letters in the above list) basically you need a Sky box, a Sky card and a SKY subscription • To watch free-to-air channels (in green letters in the above list) any FTA digital satellite box • To watch HD channels (in bold in the above list), HD box is needed
7 years ago
What has happened to e4?it keeps on saying there's a channel fault
7 years ago
E4 moved from 10729 V 22000 to 10714 H 22000.
7 years ago
12344 H channels transferred to 12188 H 12344 H »» 12188 H
6 years ago
Hi What is the frequency for Al quran ul kareem channel from Saudi Arabia please? For sky customer Thank you
6 years ago
17th October 2018 • 10847 V (BBC Two HD, CBBC HD, BBC One HD, BBC One NI HD) • 11023 H (BBC One Wal HD, BBC Four HD, BBC NEWS HD, CBeebies HD, BBC One ScotHD) »» FEC changes from 2/3 to 3/4.
6 years ago
Hi. Has SKY + HD transponder changed lately. Hannover Germany
6 years ago
Mo salar
can a normal decoder work and receive sky sports channels in Swaziland(africa)
6 years ago
Satellites Astra 2 28.2° don't cover Swaziland.
6 years ago
Hi,can I receive the Sky Uk transponders on Euro Beam? What kind of decoder and what type of subscrition? Marco - Italy
6 years ago
You can receive throughout Italy Sky UK transponders on Europe Beam. In Northern Italy you can also receive Sky UK transponders on UK Spotbeam, in the rest of Italy, I don't know. To watch the encrypted channels you need: • a Sky UK decoder • a Sky UK card • a Sky UK subscription to a package that includes the channels you want
6 years ago
Hi what satellite do I point my sky mini dish to . To receive English channels I have a satlink but not sure which one it is thanks
6 years ago
English channels with a Sky minidish in the UK or Ireland? • Satellite Astra 2 28.2° East.
6 years ago
Max van Peer
How do I get GOLD UK TV with my sattelite receiver ? Than \k you
6 years ago
Which satellite receiver? Gold UK TV is encrypted, you need: • a Sky UK decoder • a Sky UK card • a Sky UK subscription to a package that includes Gold UK TV
6 years ago
Comment about MBC Max on Nilesat moved here: • MBC FTA MBC channels. Frequencies and Satellites.
5 years ago
Patrick 56
I have a home in Spain where I use an Aviva (Ferguson)103 mini receiver. I bring my full subscription SKY card with me up until June had no issues with most Sky channels except premium package sport and movies. At time of writing I have lost viewing of e.g. Universal and SyFi which is annoying for my wife. I have good signal strength but channel is showing scrambled. Anything changed?
5 years ago
SYFY HD and Universal HD are since months on: ··· 12304 MHz H 27500 2/3 DVB-S2 8PSK Europe beam • SYFY, SYFY+1, Universal and Universal+1 moved in September: ··· from 11307 MHz H 27500 5/6 DVB-S UK Spotbeam ···    to 11836 MHz H 27500 5/6 DVB-S Europe beam
5 years ago
Patrick 56
Thanks Webmaster, added 11836 MHz H 27500 and searched and located the channels SYFY and Universal. Channels are still showing scrambled but FTA channel like Challenge works with no issues. Would there have been a change of encryption between move from UK Spotbeam to Europe beam rendering my Skycard incapable of decrypting channels?
5 years ago
Please, advice. Alibi+1, Gold+1,etc. disappeared from SKY chanels. Tried to put in the parameters from your list, but did not find signal. Do not find where to put in "22000" Thanks in advace for your help
5 years ago
alibi+1 and GOLD+1 left 11523 MHz H 22000 Astra 2 Europe Beam. New transponder: • 12129 MHz V 27500 Astra 2 UK Spotbeam Where are you?
5 years ago
Thank you for useful support. We have lost recently channel 258 Home+1 (my wife's favorite) as well as a few others. I am in the Almunecar area (Costa Tropica) on 11778 V 27.5 2/3 DVB-5 QPSK How do I implement the changes in transponder for some channels as you have adviced? Do I go to the Services Menu -> Options -> Add Channels and add the sets of frequencies with their respective parameters? Can I do this several times for the various sets of frequency data you have given or is it just a one off? I notice you give the Symbol rate (Mbaud) like 22000 and not 22.0 Please point us in the right direction.
5 years ago
Good remark: 22000 kS/s (kbaud) = 22.0 MS/s (Mbaud). I suppose that in Almuñécar (Granada, Spain) you can receive only EU beam (Europe beam), not UK beam (UK Spotbeam). Home+1 moved • from 11523 MHz H 22000 Astra 2 Europe Beam • to 11344 MHz H 27500 Astra 2 UK Spotbeam You can do anything if you can't receive there UK Spotbeam frequencies. 11778 V 27.5 2/3 DVB-5 DVB-S (letter S, Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite) QPSK is good as the default Sky transponder, don't touch it. • 11778 MHz V 27500 kS/s 2/3 DVB-S QPSK Astra 2E Europe Beam
5 years ago
Thank you - what a shame. Is there a chance that more programs will be added to the European beam - or is it a strategic direction from Sky to do the opposite?
5 years ago
Please, can I get these satellite channels on any decoder here in Ghana.... And lastly, my question is, can change a transponder of a particular satellite to another or I need to get a new one 1..
5 years ago
Hi I live near Málaga and still pay sky for my TV I have recently lost Gold channel 110 is there anyway of getting it back ? Thanks
5 years ago
I have also lost Gold channel 110, movie channels 301 and 302, Alibi. These channels and others are on Astra 2E if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps they've been moved to UK spot beam?
5 years ago
Same problem here in Austria for me 110,301,302 I’m paying for hd! Any idea
5 years ago
Transponders • 12012 V Astra 2E Europe Beam left • 12090 V Astra 2E Europe Beam left • 12168 V Astra 2F switched from Europe Beam to UK Spotbeam12363 V Astra 2E switched from Europe Beam to UK Spotbeam Channels (among others) • 110 GOLD HD and 132 ALIBI HD ··· moved from 12090 V Astra 2E Europe Beam ··· to 12363 V Astra 2E UK Spotbeam • 842 SkyPremiereHD and 843 SkySuperheroHD ··· moved from 12012 V Astra 2E Europe Beam ··· to 12168 V Astra 2F UK Spotbeam
5 years ago
If this move is part of a wider plan to move more channels to the UK spotbeam then the days of receiving UK Sky in my part of Italy are doomed.
5 years ago
I live in France and am able to receive all ITV channels except ITV4, also cannot receive Quest. When I check signal strength on Sky box there is nothing when tuning to these channels. Returning to another station and the signal and quality is more than 50%. Why is this and is there a fix?
5 years ago
How do I tell the difference between sky + and Sky Q frequencies
5 years ago
Hello, saw your website. It is good! I am trying to find out if I can watch two different satellites on the same satellite dish. I have SKY which uses Astra 2E, 2F & 2G. Elev.27.9,AZ 162.4 I want to watch as well Eutel Sat 9A or Hotbird 13E. Could I do this? And how is it possible if you know? Thank you! Jon
5 years ago
In the UK with a little Sky satellite dish? You need a bigger dish with additional LNB or a toroidal dish like Wave Frontier Toroidal T90 and a DiSEqC switch. And you need a DiSEqC 1.0 compatible receiver to switch between two or three LNB.
I have SKY which uses Astra 2E, 2F & 2G. Elev.27.9,AZ 162.4
These angles correspond to northeastern Germany or northwestern Poland. Where are you? And what is your equipment? • Eutelsat 9B 9° East ··· Eutelsat 9B Coverage mapsEutelsat Hot Bird 13° East ··· Eutelsat Hot Bird Coverage maps
5 years ago
Asif comment about reception in Eastern Czech Republic moved to: • Astra 2E/2F/2G 28.2°E UK-Spotbeam and Europe Beams Coverage Maps
4 years ago
I'm in Latvia (eu). I have question about channels on frequency 11082H. I can get: Ahlulbayt TV, Al Jazeera Eng, , BLAZE, BoxNation, CNN, , Hillsong, Inspiration TV, NOW 80s, Sikh Channel, Spotlight TV, But can't get: alibi, W, GOLD Why is it? Can you help, please?
4 years ago
Forgot to mention: we have sat.dish 1400mm, We have sky box, sky card and packet wich includes all mentioned channels.
4 years ago
In Latvia despite the big dish you pick up only Europe beam frequencies, right? And you have an UK subscription, not Irish, right? $ alibi, $ W and $ GOLD on 11082 H Astra 2G Europe beam are the Irish versions of these channels. Which Sky box do you have? If you have an HD or UHD one, you can get $ W HD on: • 12110 H Astra 2F Europe beam UK versions of $ alibi HD and $ GOLD HD are on: • 12363 V Astra 2E UK-Spotbeam UK versions of $ alibi, $ alibi+1, $ W, $ W+1, $ GOLD, $ GOLD+1 are on: • 12129 V Astra 2E UK-Spotbeam With an England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland subscription the three channels in the EPG list (HD or UHD) are UK versions: • 109 W HD on 12110 H EU beam • 110 GOLD HD and • 132 alibi HD on 12363 V UK beam • 210 W+1, • 211 GOLD+1, • 232 alibi+1, • 809 W, • 810 GOLD and • 826 alibi on 12129 V UK beam
4 years ago
Sorry, i still can't understand... why i do not get Irish version of alibi, W and GOLD? When i go in search channels and put in parameters of 11082H it gives ALL channels including alibi, W and gold. I saved them, but could not get them on TV... Thanks
4 years ago
Maybe because they are encrypted. Which Sky box do you have?
4 years ago
We have Sky+HD box
4 years ago
Well looks like we cannot get ITV in Ireland anymore we are with sky really annoying . UK being mardy
4 years ago
Pairic Duffy
Hi Wendy 27 May 2021, 8:40pm I thought I had lost my extra channels. But I have Just reloaded the ITV etc And channel 5 etc. Just go down the page to 10906 V and 10964 H you can install them all from there. Regards
4 years ago
We have sky+HD box
4 years ago
Hi, my van has been stored since late 2019 but now touring England but has SKY NEWS moved frequencies? I believe that I used to be able to view it on our satellite system but now cannot, or is it my memory playing tricks and we never could? Thanks in advance
4 years ago
This page is dedicated to Sky on satellites Astra 2 28.2° East. Do you have a Sky box? If so, you have 4 Sky News versions on Sky: • 501 $ Sky News HD on 12012 MHz V • 519 $ Sky News HD on 12012 MHz V • 576 FTA Sky News on 12070 MHz H • 590 $ Sky News HD on 12090 MHz V Which channels do you have on these numbers? If you don't have a Sky box: • Freesat on Astra 2 28.2° EastUK FTA satellite channels
3 years ago
I want to watch virgin media it says this programme is not available and I live in the UK and I really want to watch the sky sports channels please reply asap
3 years ago
I have DVB-S2X tuning card can i recieve all sky channels with this.thank you....
3 years ago
Sky frequencies are DVB-S and DVB-S2, not DVB-S2X.
3 years ago
so I need to change my tuner to receive reception...some channels are on the required frequency and this has confused the issue...is it a simple straight forward swap of tuning cards as I have skyQ also running from my dish and this works perfectly....thanks for the advice..
3 years ago
hmmm can I change my tuning card for a DVB-S2..I have a subscription so I should be able to pick up the channels I'm missing...my DVB-S2X is picking some of the channels but I guess they are just random frequency levels within the range...thanks for your help...
3 years ago
I only said that Sky frequencies are not DVB-S2X. A DVB-S2X tuning card is normally compatible with DVB-S2X, DVB-S2 and DVB-S.
2 years ago
Sky code for channel 5 SD in Ireland seems to have changed have a very old box and very old tv so can’t get HD

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