Telekom Srbija on Astra 23.5º East

Frequency List
Telekom Srbija frequencies on satellite Astra 3B 23.5° East:
TP Frequency (MHz) Polarisation | Channels on transponder • FTA channels are in green ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold • Encrypted channels are in black ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold | TP Parameters Modulation, SR (kS/s) and FEC | IF Universal LNB Low (9.75 GHz) High (10.6 GHz) |
11719 H | Balkan Hot, Brazzers TV, Cool TV, Digi 24, Dorcel, Erotic, Erotic 2, Etno, Extreme Sports, Favorit TV, Fight Network, Film +, Hustler, Magyar Slager TV, Minimax, Motorvision, Mozy +, Muszicka TV, Novosadska TV, Panon TV, PRIME, Pro TV International, Realitatea, RTL Gold, RTL+, Sorozat +, Taraf TV, Telebet, Trace Sport Stars, Trinitas, TV 5, TV Belle Amie, TV Galaksija 32, TV Mreza Most, TV Palma, TV Vujic | DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 | 1969 MHz L 1119 MHz H |
11798 H | Arena Sport 1 HD, Arena Sport 2 HD, Arena Sport 3 HD, Arena Sport 4 HD, Arena Sport 5 HD, BKTV, Boomerang, CineStar TV, CineStar TV Action & Thriller, CineStar TV Comedy &Family, CineStar TV Fantasy, Disney, Duck TV, Eurosport 1 HD, Eurosport 2 HD, Happy TV, JimJam, Minimax, Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon Junior, O2.TV, Pink 2, Pink 3 Info, Pink Action, Pink Comedy, Pink Crime & Mystery, Pink Kids, Pink Premium, Pink Romance, Pink Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Pink Super Kids, Pink Thriller, Pink Western, Prva, Prva MAX, SOS Kanal Plus, Studio B, TDC, TV Pink | DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 | 2048 MHz L 1198 MHz H |
11817 V | Al Jazeera, AMC, ATV, AXN, AXN Spin, BHTV, BN, Cinemax 2 HD, Cinemax HD, DIVA, Epic Drama, FTV, HBO 2 HD, HBO 3 HD, HBO HD, Koreni, OK KANAL, Pink Family, Pink Film, Pink Reality, Pink Serije, PINK World Cinema, Prva Files, Prva Kick, Prva Life, Prva World, RTRS, RTV 1, RTV 2, Sci Fi, Sundance, TLC, Travel Channel, TV 1000, TV Hram, TV Vijesti | DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 | 2067 MHz L 1217 MHz H |
11914 H | Agro TV HD, Arena Sport HD, BTV, Decija TV, Duna, Duna world, Film Klub, Film Klub Extra, Kitchen TV HD, M1, M2, Magyar ATV, mSAT Info, RTL 2, RTL Klub, RTS 1 HD, RTS 2 HD, RTS 3, RTS Drama, RTS Kolo, RTS Muzika, RTS Poletarac, RTS Svet HD, RTS Trezor, RTS Zivot, Star TV, Story 4, SUPERSTAR TV HD, Viasat 3, Ženska TV HD | DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 | 1314 MHz H |
12402 V | Animal Planet, BBC Earth, BN Music, Bravo Music, CBS Reality, City Play, CNN, Da Vinci Learning, Discovery Channel, Discovery Showcase HD, DM SAT, DW English, E!, English Club TV, Euronews, Fashion TV, H2, HiFi, ID HD, JEKA, LoL, MTV Europe, National Geographic, National Geographic Wild, Nature HD/History HD, Outdoor, Pink Hits 1, Pink Music, Pink Music 2, Pink&Roll, RT, RTL Croatia, RTR Planeta, RTRS Plus, TV Hayat, TV Hayat Folk, TV Hayat Music, TV Hayat Plus, TV Hayatovci, VH1, Viasat Explore, Viasat History, Viasat Nature | DVB-S2 8PSK 30000 3/4 | 1802 MHz H |
6 years ago
25th September 2018
11914.5 H 30000 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK activated.
5th December 2018
11797.5 H 30000 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK activated.
13th December 2018
11817 V and 12402 V 30000 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK activated.
6 years ago
21st May 2019
11719.5 H 30000 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK activated.