What size dish do I need to recieve astra23.5. I currently have a 1.3m dish which used to be pointed to the astra 28.5. Can I use this dish and lnb? I live in Southern Spain. Thanks
8 years ago
According to the coverage map, you will be able to get it.
8 years ago
i m at tanzania east africa i want get nova , prima tv channel czcheslovakia sattelite and frq
13th December 2018
11817 V and 12402 V (30000 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK) activated.
Telekom Srbija
6 years ago
Can we get UK Free to Air BBC and ITV on Astra 3B please? Using Android?
6 years ago
No, you can't. FTA BBC and ITV are broadcasting on Astra 2 28.2° East, not Astra 3 23.5° East.
A satellite set-top box running Android operating system?
It doesn't matter, BBC and ITV are FTA on satellites Astra 2 28.2° East.
First of all thank you what a great website.
My question is I have a Dutch customer who has bought receiver over to France for Canal Digitaal which is fine and I believe this to sit on Astra 3B. The problem is I can’t find it lol, I can find astra1 and astra2. I have a good tester which for this satellite I have had to program up with all the transponders (it’s à Cahors stm26 had DVBT-T2/S-S2/C) I know cables, LMB and dish are ok and the line of site to be fine. Is it user error on the tester if so what might it be?
3 years ago
Indeed, Astra 3B 23,5° Est is the main satellite for Dutch Canal Digitaal:
• Canal Digitaal
The art of pointing a parabola with a spectrum analyzer.
• Main menu » Satellite » Spectrum
• F1 button to change Polarization to Vertical
• F2 button to switch 22 kHz signal on (very important 22 kHz on with Astra 3B 23.5° East)
Astra 3B 23.5° East is located between Astra 19.2° East and Astra 28.2° East as you know, find the signals between both satellites, and check the content of a known and easy vertical transponder, for example:
• TP 12168 V 27500 Astra 23.5°E
··· Frequency and polarization: 12168 MHz Vertical
··· Symbol Rate and FEC: 27500 kS/s 3/4
··· Modulation: DVB-S
··· NID and Network Name: 3 ASTRA 3
··· FTA channels: Ocko TV, Ocko Star, TV Lux HD, SES Demo, Chamber TV HD, RTL Tele Letzebuerg 23.5, TELEIPPICA 1 and TELEIPPICA 2.
Don't confuse with:
• TP 12168 V 27500 Astra 28.2°E
• TP 12168 V 29700 Astra 19.2°E
3 years ago
Thank you kindly, funny after sending the message I found it.
These so called satellite finder apps are good for general locations
I found the satellite just off of Astra 1, like just touch the parabola.
Thank you again for a great website, it has saved me many hours.
Now I have to do the same on the property of the client, wish me luck as there are many trees, which means I have to raise the dish or re position it?