Hindi channels on Sky
Since 11 June 2019 Hindi television channels have their own dedicated number range on Sky UK platform, from 701 to 725.
Hindi channels line up
510 NDTV 24x7 and 520 News18 mainly in English
- 510 FTA11553 HNDTV 24x7
- 52011464 HNews18
- 70111479 VB4U Movies
- 70211479 VB4U Music
- 70312246 VSONY TV HD
- 70411582 HStar Bharat
- 70512246 VStar Plus HD
- 70611686 VCOLORS HD
- 70711836 HZee Cinema
- 708 FTA11568 VRepublic Bharat
- 70911655 VZee TV
- 710 FTA11568 VAAJ TAK
- 711 FTA11112 HMATV National
- 712 FTA11582 HFoodxp
- 71312207 VMTV Beats
- 71411582 HColorsCineplex
- 71512304 HSONY MAX HD
- 716 FTA11479 VVenus TV
- 71711758 HStar GOLD HD
- 71811568 VSONY SAB
- 719 FTA11568 VABP News
- 72011568 VSONY MAX 2
- 72111538 VB4U Plus
- 72211582 HColorsRishtey
- 724 FTA11655 VAastha
- 725 FTA11112 HSanskar
- 88211568 VSONY TV
- 88311582 HStar Plus
- 88411582 HCOLORS
- 88611582 HSONY MAX
- 88711582 HStar GOLD
Frequency List
All transponders are on Astra 2 Europe beams, so they can be received in the UK and in Europe:
# | Satellite and Beam | TP Frequency (MHz) Polarisation | Channels on transponder • FTA channels are in green ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold • Encrypted channels are in black ··· SD in normal letters ··· HD in bold | TP Parameters Modulation, SR (kS/s) and FEC | IF Universal LNB Low 9.75 GHz High 10.6 GHz |
1 | Astra 2G EU | 11112 H | MATV National, Sanskar | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1362 MHz L |
2 | Astra 2G EU | 11464 H | News18 | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1714 MHz L |
3 | Astra 2G EU | 11479 V | B4U Movies, B4U Music, Venus TV | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1729 MHz L |
4 | Astra 2G EU | 11538 V | B4U Plus | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1788 MHz L |
5 | Astra 2G EU | 11553 H | NDTV 24x7 | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1803 MHz L |
6 | Astra 2G EU | 11568 V | AAJ TAK, ABP News, Republic Bharat, SONY MAX 2, SONY SAB, SONY TV | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1818 MHz L |
7 | Astra 2G EU | 11582 H | COLORS, ColorsCineplex, ColorsRishtey, Foodxp, SONY MAX, Star Bharat, Star GOLD, Star Plus | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1832 MHz L |
8 | Astra 2G EU | 11655 V | Aastha, Zee TV | DVB-S QPSK 22000 5/6 | 1905 MHz L 1055 MHz H |
9 | Astra 2G EU | 11686 V | COLORS HD | DVB-S2 8PSK 23000 2/3 | 1936 MHz L 1086 MHz H |
10 | Astra 2E EU | 11758 H | Star GOLD HD | DVB-S2 QPSK 29500 8/9 | 2008 MHz L 1158 MHz H |
11 | Astra 2E EU | 11836 H | Zee Cinema | DVB-S QPSK 27500 5/6 | 2086 MHz L 1236 MHz H |
12 | Astra 2F EU | 12207 V | MTV Beats | DVB-S QPSK 27500 5/6 | 1607 MHz H |
13 | Astra 2F EU | 12246 V | SONY TV HD, Star Plus HD | DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 | 1646 MHz H |
14 | Astra 2E EU | 12304 H | SONY MAX HD | DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 | 1704 MHz H |
8 years ago
Hello webmaster
Iam Ifzaal from Italy ti city Mantova
The Channel why arent working Rishtey Europe volta
8 years ago
Rishtey is encrypted on Astra 28.2º Est since 18th August 2017. You need a Sky UK subscription.
8 years ago
Sukhdev raj
I am in italy. I want to card to watch India Hindi channel. Give me contact number and information.
7 years ago
Hello I live in italy I want Sky UK for Indian channel... plz tell me how I get Sky UK in Italy.. give me any contact numbers any information plz .. thnks
6 years ago
11th June 2019
EPG changes by Sky to Hindi TV channels.
Hindi number range:
··· Main 701-730
··· SD versions of HD hindi channels 882-887
• 701 B4U Movies
• 702 B4U Music
• 703 SONY TV HD / 882 SONY TV
• 704 Star Bharat
• 705 Star Plus HD / 883 Star Plus
• 706 COLORS HD / 884 COLORS
• 707 Zee Cinema
• 709 Zee TV
• 710 AAJ TAK (FTA)
• 711 MATV National (FTA)
• 713 MTV Beats
• 714 ColorsCineplex
• 715 SONY MAX HD / 886 SONY MAX
• 716 Venus TV (FTA)
• 717 Star GOLD HD / 887 Star Gold
• 718 SONY SAB
• 719 ABP News (FTA)
• 720 SONY MAX 2
• 721 B4U Plus
• 722 ColorsRishtey
• 724 Aastha (FTA)
• 725 Sanskar (FTA)
6 years ago
i would like to buy satlite sky rerciver with hindi chanel packet with card
6 years ago
I would like to buy satlite sky reciver with hindi chanel packet with card i am living in Germany Mannheim
6 years ago
712 FoodXP
FoodXP on Sky since 1st August 2019, channel No. 712, free-to-air.

6 years ago
708 Republic Bharat
Republic Bharat on Sky since 16th August 2019, channel No. 708, free-to-air.

6 years ago
Helo sir can i use indian tata sky or dish tv setop box in italy .is it woking with all channel .like india
6 years ago
No, their satellites signals are available in Asia, not in Europe.
• Tata Sky on satellites INSAT-4A / GSAT-10 at 83° East
• DishTV on satellite SES 8 at 95° East
In Italy you can receive Indian channels on European satellites Astra 2E/2F/2G at 28,2° East:
• Hindi FTA TV Channels
• Or the channels in the above list (FTA and encrypted) if you have a Sky UK box, a Sky UK card and a SKY UK subscription like Sky Entertainment.
5 years ago
Why there is no music channel in sky
We have just got B4U music which is shit n no new song can you please reconnect MTV beats on or any other music channel will be really appreciated
5 years ago
715 SONY MAX HD moved from 12304 H to 12344 H.
5 years ago
Basharat ali
Where can I buy the sky box with all Indian channels in Italy please some one give me any information
5 years ago
Barinder singh
886 Sony Max
4 years ago
4 years ago
22 January 2021
• $ Star Plus became $ Utsav Plus
• $ Star Plus HD became $ Utsav Plus HD
• $ Star GOLD became $ Utsav GOLD
• $ Star GOLD HD became $ Utsav Gold HD
• $ Star Bharat became $ Utsav Bharat
4 years ago
29th May 2021
• $ COLORS HD moved from 11686 V to 11509 V Astra 2G EU 28.2°E
• $ COLORS moved from 11582 H to 11479 V Astra 2G EU 28.2°E
• $ ColorsRishtey and $ ColorsCineplex moved from 11582 H to 11464 H Astra 2G EU 28.2°E
4 years ago
Sir, are these channels are shown in south sudan also??
4 years ago
These channels via Sky UK in South Sudan, no:
• Astra 2G Europe Beam coverage map
4 years ago
1st June 2021
$ ColorsGujarati on 11914 H 27500 Astra 2E 28.2°E EU beam.
3 years ago
I am in Libya please assist me about to watch indian channels
3 years ago
Please I need help to set up my starsat decoder for badr, nilesat, hotbird and Astra.. please I'm in libya
2 years ago
Sir I need new satellite in my location.Hindi channel and sports channels...how much price in installation and package