List of MIS Satellite Transponders (E33C, E21B, E10A, E9B, Astra 4A, E5WA, Hispasat)
MIS Transponders Eutelsat 33C [33° East]
MIS Transponders Eutelsat 21B [21.5° East]
MIS Transponders Eutelsat 10A [10° East]
MIS Transponders Eutelsat 9B [9° East]
MIS Transponders on Astra 4A (Sirius 4) 4.8° East
MIS Transponders Eutelsat 5 West A and Eutelsat 5 West B [5°W]
PLS without MIS Hispasat [30°W]
7 years ago
Thanks for this easy to read table.
I am Staff Member "Lazarus" on the and having just acquired a MIS capable Receiver myself thought it useful to Post a link to your web page. However, I wonder if you'd give your consent to me posting the actual content, as that would be even easier for Members to retrieve? I shall, of course, attribute the source.
7 years ago
Multi-Streams left 45 east several months ago:-
The rest of the info checks out OK :)
7 years ago
You're welcome. No problem, do what you want.
Thank you, Intelsat 904 removed.
7 years ago
Multi-Stream @ 4.8 east Astra 4A to add to your list,
12188 H
T2-MI 30000 5/6 ZeonBud w Astra-4A
Multistream: 10
Inter w F 1101 1102 Ukr 11
Telekanal Ukraine w F 1201 1202 Ukr 12
1+1 w F 1301 1302 Ukr 13
NTN w F 1401 1402 Ukr 14
K1 w F 1501 1502 Ukr 15
Pershiy Nacionalniy (UA) w F 1601 1602 Ukr 16
ICTV w F 1701 1702 Ukr 17
Enter Film w F 1801 1802 Ukr 18
Multistream: 20
Zoom w F 2101 2102 Ukr 21
Indigo TV w F 2201 2202 Ukr 22
Telekanal STB w F 2301 2302 Ukr 23
TET w F 2401 2402 Ukr 24
K2 w F 2501 2502 Ukr 25
Novy Kanal w F 2601 2602 Ukr 26
M1 Ukraine w F 2701 2702 Ukr 27
Kanal 5 w F 2801 2802 Ukr 28
7 years ago
Thank you, 12188 H Astra 4A added.
7 years ago
hi... i want if anybody can confirm if this frequency: 11508 H
SR 29500 8/9 DVB-S2 8PSK at 5West runs on wide beam or super beam?
thanks for your time and support
great satellite website!
7 years ago
12543 H 34200 8/9 8PSK Eutelsat 5W
7 years ago
Added, thank you !
MIS (33,34,35,36) without PLS.
Italian tv and radio.
Same content as 12718 H 36513 5/6 8PSK on Eutelsat 12WB 12.5ºW.
7 years ago
They left after a few days?
7 years ago
Indeed, now 12543 H E5WA is not active.
7 years ago
Now 12543 H E5WA is active.
7 years ago
12543H E5WA multistream channels are back!
7 years ago
What happened now? 12543H have gone again. It seems they are testing mode.
7 years ago
Italian MIS TPs 12543 H (testing) and 12711 H (regular with LA7, LA7d, LA7 HD, LA7d HD) left Eutelsat 5WA.
7 years ago
12543 H Persidera back on E5WA
Multi 33 34 35 36
SR 34200 FEC 8/9 DVB-S2 8PSK
7 years ago
12543 H added again, thank you !
Italian MIS TP without PLS.
7 years ago
Bulgarian MIS on Hellas Sat 3 39º East.
New polarisation, SR and FEC:
• Horizontal »»»» Vertical
• 9416 kS/s »»»» 10410 kS/s
• 3/4 »»»» 2/3.
7 years ago
Are the French and Italian streams on 5 W encrypted?
7 years ago
The stream, no.
As for the channel on the stream, if you see a dollar sign ($) before the channel name in the above list, the channel is encrypted, otherwise FTA.
For example
• 11179 V Stream 4
··· Rai Premium, Rai YoYo, Rai 4, Rai Gulp, Rai Movie, Rai 1 HD »» all FTA
• 12606 V Stream 2
··· R101 TV, Canale5 HD, Italia1 HD, Mediaset Italia Due »» 4 FTA
··· $ Premium Crime HD, $ Premium Action »» 2 encrypted
7 years ago
Thanks for this super site!
7 years ago
New channel on 11496 H (PLS without MIS) Hispasat 30º West:
Teledeporte (Spanish national digital terrestrial television channel) identified as tdp.
6 years ago
12522 MHZ V 35500 KS/S 3/4 8PSK
GOLD 262140
6 years ago
Thank you.
• Frequency and polarisation : 12522 MHz Vertical
• Symbol Rate and FEC : 35500 kS/s 3/4
• Modulation : DVB-S2 8PSK MIS
• PLS Gold : 262140
• 1 stream
··· stream 2 : VIRGIN RADIO, R101 TV, 20 Mediaset HD, Mediaset Italia Due and Rete4 HD
6 years ago
Great site.
Can anyone confirm MIS Transponder Eutelsat 9B 12341V still active ? Tried everything with my new VU+ - but no chance. All channels on 9 East fine - odd. Thanks!
6 years ago
Where? Diameter? It's on Italy beam.
6 years ago
New SR: Eutelsat 5 West A (5W), 12606.00MHz pol.V, DVB-S2 8PSK ACM/VCM, PLS: Root+8, stream 2, SR:35500, FEC:2/3 (2019-03-02)
New SR: Eutelsat 5 West A (5W), 12606.00MHz pol.V, DVB-S2 8PSK ACM/VCM, PLS: Root+8, stream 1, SR:35500, FEC:2/3 (2019-03-02)
6 years ago
MIS Transponder Eutelsat 9B [9º East]
Frequency and Polarisation
SR FEC and modulation
12341 V 31400 5/6 DVB-S2 8PSK
PLS Root : 8. Stream 2
20 Mediaset HD,Mediaset Italia Due,Rete4 HD R101TV,Virgin Radio
6 years ago
Indeed, new Symbol Rate for Italian MIS 12606 V. Symbol Rate changed from 35000 kS/s to 35500 kS/s (from 35 MS/s to 35.5 MS/s).
Thank you.
Rete4 HD and 20 Mediaset HD moved from Italian MIS 12522 V to Italian MIS 12627 H.
• 12627 MHz H 35000 kS/s 2/3 DVB-S2 8PSK PLS root 8
··· Stream 1: Rete4 HD, Canale5 HD, Italia1 HD and 20 Mediaset HD (all FTA).
6 years ago
Hi, is there any change on MIS France 2 frequency?
I get a lock but cannot decide the streams?
6 years ago
salva diaz
multistream on 12.5w left
6 years ago
Indeed, 12718 H 36513 5/6 DVB-S2 8PSK MIS (33,34,35,36) left Eutelsat 12WB 12.5° West. Thank you.
Same streams and channels continue on 12543 H 34200 8/9 DVB-S2 8PSK MIS (33,34,35,36) Eutelsat 5WA 5° West.
6 years ago
Hi, pls root 8 what does it mean?
6 years ago
29 June 2019
Bulgarian MIS on Eutelsat 33C 33° East (Hellas Sat 3 12593 V duplication)
12646 MHz H 13917 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK
PLS Root: 218997
PLS Gold: 210115
6 years ago
TDT ARAGON on Hispasat 30º west:
11330 H DVB-S2/8PSK 9140 3/4 MPEG-2 MPEG-4 PLS: Gold 53850
6 years ago
Thank you.
• Frequency and polarisation: 11330 MHz H
• Symbol Rate and FEC: 9141 kS/s 3/4
• Modulation: DVB-S2 8PSK
• Single Stream, but PLS
··· PLS Gold: 53850
• TV and Radio Channels
Service Name | SID | VPID | APID | Provider |
ARAGON TV | 10160 | 101 | 103,104,106 | CARTV |
ARAGON TV HD | 10162 | 32 | 33,34,35 | CARTV |
ARAGON RADIO ZARAGOZA | 10161 | - | 1003 | CARTV |
ARAGON RADIO HUESCA | 10165 | - | 4003 | CARTV |
ARAGON RADIO TERUEL | 10166 | - | 5003 | CARTV |
6 years ago
oman dvb-t2 on Eutelsat 21B 21.6 East
11627 V 14400 3/5 DVB-S2 8PSK
T2-MI plp: 0
6 years ago
mediaset stream on etelsat 9b at 9.0 East
12341 V 31400 5/6 DVB-S2 8PSK Multistream PLS: Root 8
6 years ago
• TP 11627 V Eutelsat 21B 21.6° East would be in the Ku-band Eastern beam.
• Streams 2 and 3 of TP 12341 V Eutelsat 9B 9.0° East (Italy beam) added to the above list.
Thank you!
Streams 3 12341 V E9B and 2 12606 V E5WA are the same.
• 12341 V E9B Stream 3 ≡ 12606 V E5WA Stream 2
6 years ago
11330 MHz H 9141 kS/s 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK ARAGON TV on Hispasat 30° West
PLS Gold changes from 53850 to 174527.
6 years ago
Bulgarian package on 39E is no more available. It moved to 33E.
6 years ago
Indeed, thank you.
Bulgarian package NURTS Digital left Hellas Sat 3 39° East
12593 V 10410 2/3 DVB-S2 8PSK
PLS Root 218997. PLS Gold 210115.
It continues on Eutelsat 33C 33° East
12646 MHz H 13917 kS/s 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK
PLS Root 218997. PLS Gold 210115.
6 years ago
New Italian MIS TP on Eutelsat 9B
12466 V 47100 DVB-S2 16APSK
GOLD 262140
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5
6 years ago
HispaSat 30.0W
12670 H 30000
RealMadrid Tv HD
i want stream id and pls code please
much thanks <3
6 years ago
12671 MHz V 30000 kS/s 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK on Hispasat 30° West belongs to Abertis.
The whole transponder is encrypted in BISS.
It's used to feed Spanish terrestrial transmitters and SAT TDT home receivers in zones not covered by the terrestrial transmission network in Spain
6 years ago
No i guess i will send u a pic tomorrow for the RealMadrid channele on it
i receive it on Egypt By 180CM Dish on my friend's reciever
sorry foe my ENGLISH
6 years ago
Sorry for late
this is a pic for Channel and transponder i wrote it above
and this is pic link from my friend Reciever
Image not found
the proplem is on my friend reciever just scan transponder and u get all multistream Channels .. But On My ENIGMA 2 Box u should inter stream ID and PLS CODE to get Multistream channels

6 years ago
any help PLS !!
6 years ago
• That transponder, 12671 V 30000, is on Hispasat 30W-6 30° West. Spain and other countries are covered, as usual with satellites.
• The entire content (the full transponder, not channels individually) is encrypted in BISS. You need to decrypt, not only set the stream ID and PLS Code.
The only legitimate decoder for final users is Spanish TDT SAT.
5 years ago
12341 H 30000 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK Astra 4A Multistream (MIS T2-MI)
Stream 30 are now encrypted irdeto
5 years ago
Please where I can get Arq multistream C-band signal? Before will received it on 18 west then but not there again.
5 years ago
Hi, I have a dish oriented to Eutelsat 5 W and a multistream receiver I’ve just bought.
The thing is I can get without any problem the Italian channels but not the French ones.
For instance, I get 11013 V and 11179 V, but not the 11508 H.
I’m sure I’m doing all the procedures correctly and have no idea of what the cause of the problem could be.
1. Do I need a bigger dish? It measures 75 cm.
2. Is the dish slightly off line due to the Christmas winds.
I don’t know if the 11508 H needs more precision…
5 years ago
Sul satellite 9°E attivati in Multistream i Mux Persidera
12466.00MHz pol.V, DVB-S2 8PSK, stream 36, SR:41940, FEC:3/4
12466.00MHz pol.V, DVB-S2 8PSK, stream 35, SR:41940, FEC:3/4
12466.00MHz pol.V, DVB-S2 8PSK, stream 34, SR:41940, FEC:3/4
5 years ago
Thank you, Marko, added.
New MIS on Eutelsat 9B Italy Beam:
• 12111 MHz V 31400 PLS Root 8 / Gold 262140
• 12149 MHz V 31400 PLS Root 8 / Gold 262140
• 12188 MHz V 31400 PLS Root 8 / Gold 262140
• 12341 MHz V 31400 PLS Root 8 / Gold 262140 (new stream 4)
• 12466 MHz V 41950 (without PLS)
Same frequencies on Italy and Nordic Baltic beams:
• 12111 MHz V
• 12149 MHz V
• 12188 MHz V
For the three reused frequencies:
··· 31400 kS/s FEC 2/3 PLS on ITALY beam
··· 27500 kS/s FEC 5/6 on NORDIC BALTIC beam
5 years ago
21 January 2020
French MIS transponders moved
··· from satellite Eutelsat 5 West A
··· to satellite Eutelsat 5 West B (TRANSALPINE beam)
• KB8 11508 MHz H French MIS
• KA4 12648 MHz V French MIS
5 years ago
12606 V
SR 35500
FEC 2/3
Modulation DVB-S2 8PSK
Satellite Eutelsat 5 West A
Changed stream 2 to stream 222
5 years ago
is Bulgarian on 33 east still there?
5 years ago
What is about Stream ID for Yamal 402 12674V / 12694V?
5 years ago
Eutelsat 5W
I changed my LNB for a very low noise one ( 0.2 dB) on my 60 cm dish; I gain 10% more signals and 5% more quality. The result is now the French channels are received with good conditions.
4 years ago
can anyone confirm if 12648V MIS still works on 5west as of this moment?
4 years ago
Yes, we confirm. 12648 V MIS is working now.
• 12648 MHz V 29500 kS/s 8/9 DVB-S2 8PSK E5WB 5°W
··· PLS Root: 143816 / PLS Gold: 121212.
»»» Stream 1: TF1 Séries Films, L'Equipe...
»»» Stream 2: C8, BFM TV...
»»» Stream 3: CANAL+, LCI...
4 years ago
12648V MIS on 5W seems gone now. It was working last night but woke up this morning to no signal.
4 years ago
Nevermind, it seems it's back on now.
4 years ago
Thank you.
In most cases the 12648 V MIS transponder is a little more difficult to lock than 11509 H MIS. Both French MIS transponders on satellite Eutelsat 5 West B 5° West.
4 years ago
Anyone can provide the ID and PLS code for 12644v30000 on 28east?
4 years ago
New French MIS TP on Eutelsat 5WB
Duplicate of 11509 H
12733 V 29500 8/9 DVB-S2 8PSK
GOLD 50416
STREAM 1 4 6
4 years ago
Indeed, thank you.
French MIS 11509 H duplicated on:
• 12732 MHz V 29500 kS/s 8/9 DVB-S2 8PSK E5WB 5°W
··· PLS Root: 175803 / PLS Gold: 50416.
»»» Stream 1: France 2, France 4, franceinfo:, France 3
»»» Stream 4: M6, W9, Arte, France 5, 6ter, Arte.Tv, Guide de programmes, SALTO
»»» Stream 6: TF1, NRJ12, TMC, TFX, LCP
3 years ago
September 22, 2021
French MIS 11509 H Eutelsat 5WB 5°W left.
New frequency:
• TP 12732 MHz V 29500 kS/s E5WB 5°W
3 years ago
12188H and 12341 H moved from 5E to 9E
3 years ago
Is there a difference between Root and Gold? I see both listed but I can only set one.
Or are some channels on one PLS and others on the other?
3 years ago
Eutelsat 5 West B 5°W), freq. 12,585 GHz, pol. H, SR 35500, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2/8PSK, multistream, stream 20, T2-MI/PLP 0, FTA
The new T2-MI stream is broadcast on frequency 12,585 GHz in multistream mode on stream 20 in T2-MI is broadcast 14 Italian local programs 7+ Channel, Canale Italia, Canale Italia Piemonte, GRP TV, Primaantenna, Quartarete Blu, Rete 7, Sesta Rete, Telecity, Telecupole, Top Calcio 24, VCO Azzurra TV, VideoGruppo and Videnovara. There are three more programme positions in the multiplex - France 2 HD, RTS Un HD and TV5 Monde Europe HD, which are currently broadcasting black screen.