HDThe European Union's TV information service launched in 1995. It provides EU related audiovisual material via satellite to media professionals. The programming consists of a mix of live events, news items, stockshots on EU policies and issues.
China Central Television 4 International channel from the Chinese State Television CCTV, in Mandarin Chinese. It is one of six China Central Television channels that broadcasts outside of the People's Republic of China. 中国中央电视台 (China Central Television). 中文国际 (Chinese International).
CCTV 9 Documentary — CCTV-9 纪录(英) International English language edition of documentary channel from the Chinese State Television CCTV. Some Mandarin-language programmes with English subtitles.
Hi I am in South Africa- want free to air channels for sport, business, international news and current affairs, financial channels, comedy, movies and music(all genres).
programs must be in English..
Which is best satellte to tune to?
9 years ago
I had cctv 4,Arabic,Spanish,Russian on 1966 V suddenly I have any thing any more on this transponder.i live in Geneva Switzerland and use to watch it clearly .what should I do ?
8 years ago
veszter feri
Tisztelt Cím !
Tavaly a strong srt 7004 tipusú (hd-re is alkalmas ) beltérivel
tudtam fogni a az eutelsat 9e műhold 11958 v ... transzponderen
de idén nem sikerült.Lehet, hogy az én beltérim a hibás, vagy az idén megjelent kínai transzponderek bezavarnak?
8 years ago
veszter feri
11958 v ...hungarian transponder (MTVA: m1,m2,m3,m4 sport,m5)
not function
8 years ago
Great website :) very helpful.
Question since last week we do not receive JSTV Jiangsu Satellite TV anymore Eutelsat 9 Freq 11938 . Has something been changed?
Thanks for your help.
7 years ago
I live in Sanya , on Hainan island ,China.
What FTA channels can I get there ? and what frequency etc should I point my dish to ?...to which satellite ???
can I get English french and many chinese channels ??
kindly let me know.
Thanks a lot.
6 years ago
[Comment moved here from Satellite Astra 23.5° East]
I am in Dublin with an 80cm dish.
I can only receive 2 TP's on 9B East.
When I enter any other Tp settings I get no signal bar strenght.
Holy God, PTV and the 5 Chinese documentary channels are coming in fine but nothing else.
Note my receiver doesn't have this sat preprogrammed into it etc.
I have to set it up as a new satellite so I can't control FEC etc.
6 years ago
[Comment moved here from Satellite Astra 23.5° East]
You left your comment on this page dedicated to satellite Astra 3B 23.5° East.
Do you want to receive satellite Astra 3B 23.5° East?
If can't edit FEC parameter, probably your receiver detects it automatically.
6 years ago
[Comment moved here from Satellite Astra 23.5° East]
Apologies , I meant 9B East. But I have the same problem with 25 East as well. I cannot receive anything on it yet both satellites are supposed to be receivavble from Ireland.
I've tried using a single lnb to make sure but my plan was to use a 4 degree monoblock (19 + 23) or (13 + 9 ) but I cant receive anything.
is the dish too small ?
Hello, pls kindly help, I am from West Africa and I want to know which site I can point my dish to receive multistream channels & tracking tp.
Thank you so much
3 years ago
Can you get the satellite in United Kingdom I’m trying to pick it up in birmingham uk and are the Irish channels available for free